
Web Development Guide for 2024

Web Development In 2024 - A Practical Guide


Hey guys, welcome to my practical web development guide for 2024. Believe it or not, this is the eighth or ninth year that I’ve been doing this. Time really flies! For those of you who are new here, this guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of web development technologies, tools, and career paths. It can be overwhelming to learn everything you need to know as a web developer, so I try to condense it all into one place to make it easier for you to navigate.

In this guide, I’ll cover various web development technologies, including tools, languages, frameworks, and different career paths. I’ll also provide some personal advice based on my experience in the industry. If you want to access more content related to the topics discussed in this guide, I have a page on my website where you can find YouTube videos, playlists, and premium courses. The content on that page is organized in the same order as this guide, making it easy for you to follow along.

A couple of things to keep in mind while watching or listening to this guide:

  • The video is quite long, so you might want to listen to it in the background while doing other tasks.
  • I’ll include timestamps in the description so you can easily jump to specific sections if needed.
  • Remember that you don’t have to learn everything mentioned in this guide. Treat it like a restaurant menu and choose what interests you the most.
  • This guide is not focused on the latest trends. While I’ll mention some new technologies, the main goal is to cover a wide range of web development topics, regardless of their age.
  • Keep in mind that the information I provide is based on my research and personal experience. I may share my opinions on certain topics, but remember that everyone’s experience in the industry is different.

Common Roles and Paths in Web Development

Before we dive into specific technologies, let’s talk about some common roles and paths in web development. Understanding these different roles can help you determine what you want to learn and specialize in.

Web Designer

A web designer is a mix of a developer and a designer. They focus on the front end but don’t typically build complex user interfaces (UIs) or applications. Instead, they work on static websites or small business websites, often using content management systems (CMS) like WordPress. Web designers are usually skilled in HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript. They may also have some knowledge of programming and delve into the business side of things, such as SEO and marketing.

Front-End Developer

A front-end developer works on the client side of the web. They create the user interface and handle interactions with the website or web app. The main technologies for front-end development are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Front-end developers often work with frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular to enhance their development process. The line between front-end and back-end development is becoming increasingly blurred, but for the most part, front-end developers focus on the client side.

Back-End Developer

A back-end developer works on the server side of the web. They deal with databases, server-side languages, and APIs. Back-end developers build the APIs that front-end developers consume to retrieve data from the server. While JavaScript is commonly used for front-end development, back-end developers have a wider range of programming languages to choose from, such as JavaScript (with Node.js), Python, PHP, and C.

Full-Stack Developer

A full-stack developer works on both the front end and back end. They have knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a server-side language or technology. Full-stack developers are responsible for both the user interface and the server-side functionality of an application. While most full-stack positions lean toward either the front end or back end, it’s essential to have a good understanding of both.


DevOps is another role in web development, focusing on deployment and maintenance. DevOps professionals build and manage the infrastructure that applications run on. They work with technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, and they handle server management and security. DevOps is a separate role from software development, but it’s a crucial part of the development process.

Choosing Your Web Development Path

Now that we’ve discussed the different roles in web development let’s explore some goals and paths you can take as a web developer. It’s essential to remember that your goals can change over time, and you don’t have to stick with one path for your entire career. Here are some common paths and options:

Full-Time Developer

Many people choose web development as a full-time career. Working as a full-time developer for a company offers stability, salary, and benefits. You’ll primarily focus on coding and development tasks, and your pay will vary depending on your location and the company you work for. Many developers aspire to work for prominent tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, or Google (FANG). However, there are plenty of other well-paying companies in the industry, so don’t feel limited to FANG companies.


Freelancing is another option for web developers who are business-savvy. It’s not for everyone, as it comes with added stress and financial challenges initially. However, freelancing can also be highly rewarding. As a freelancer, you’ll have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and potentially earn more than you would in a 9-to-5 job. As a freelancer, you’ll need to be a jack of all trades, managing everything from design to HTML/CSS and backend development. Niche specialization and working with specific industries can also be beneficial for freelancers.

Startup Employee

Working for a startup is different from working for a large corporation. Startups can be risky because many fail, but if you’re one of the first employees and the startup succeeds, it can be a rewarding and lucrative experience. Starting your own startup down the line is also a possibility. However, it’s important to note that starting your own startup shouldn’t be your initial goal as a beginner. Gain experience first and then consider this option.

Product Development

Another path is to create your own product or software as a service (SaaS). Building an app or software that you can charge a monthly fee for can provide recurring income. This can be a secondary goal while you work as a full-time employee or freelancer. If your product gains traction, you can transition to working on it full-time or even consider starting your own startup.


Internships provide real-world experience and can be a great way to start your web development career. Some internships are paid, while others are unpaid. Even if an internship is unpaid, the experience and connections you gain can be valuable for future job opportunities. Paid internships can also lead to full-time positions, so it’s a win-win situation.

Essential Tools for Web Development

Now that we’ve discussed the different paths and goals in web development, let’s focus on the essential tools you’ll need to get started.

Computer and Operating System

The first thing you’ll need is a computer with an operating system. For web development, you don’t need the latest and most powerful computer. A computer from the past 5 to 10 years should be sufficient. Make sure it has at least 8GB of RAM and an SSD for faster performance. The choice of operating system comes down to personal preference. Some popular options are Mac OS, Windows, and Linux. Each has its pros and cons, so choose the one that works best for you.

Text Editor

A text editor is where you’ll write your code. There are many options available, but some popular choices are Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and Vim. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is my personal favorite. It’s free, open source, highly customizable, and has a large user community. Most web developers I know use VS Code, but feel free to explore other options and choose the one that suits you best.

Web Browser

You’ll also need a web browser for testing and debugging your web applications. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are popular choices among web developers. Chrome, in particular, has powerful developer tools that make debugging and inspecting web pages easier. Choose a browser that you’re comfortable with and one that meets your development needs.


A terminal or command line interface (CLI) is a tool for executing commands and interacting with your computer. While it’s not essential for web development, it becomes useful as you progress in your coding journey. Mac OS and Linux have built-in terminals, but Windows users can install Git Bash or use the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Familiarize yourself with basic terminal commands like navigating directories, creating files, and running scripts.

Version Control System (Git)

Version control is crucial for managing and tracking changes in your code. Git is the most widely used version control system in the web development industry. If you’re not familiar with Git, I highly recommend learning the basics. Create a GitHub account and learn how to create repositories, commit changes, and push your code to remote repositories. Git is an essential tool for collaboration and managing codebases.


HTML and CSS are the building blocks of web development. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to structure the content of web pages, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and format the content. As a web developer, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of HTML and CSS. Learn how to create semantic markup, use the correct tags for different content, and apply styling using CSS properties and selectors. Understanding the box model, responsive design, and typography basics will also greatly benefit your web development skills.

CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks can help you build websites faster by providing pre-built components and styles. While not necessary, they can be a valuable addition to your toolkit. Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Bulma, and Materialize are popular CSS frameworks worth exploring. Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS, in particular, are widely used and versatile. They offer a wide range of components and customization options. You can choose to learn one or more CSS frameworks, depending on your preference and project requirements.

SASS (CSS Preprocessor)

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a CSS preprocessor that extends the functionality of CSS. It allows you to write CSS with variables, functions, mixins, and more. While it’s not a requirement, learning SASS can greatly enhance your CSS workflow and make your stylesheets more maintainable. SASS is compiled to regular CSS, so it’s compatible with all modern browsers.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language used for formatting text. It’s commonly used for writing documentation, README files, and content on platforms like GitHub. Learning markdown is a useful skill for web developers, as it allows you to format text quickly and easily. Markdown syntax is simple and easy to learn, making it a valuable tool for creating well-formatted documentation.

JavaScript and Front-End Development

Now, let’s shift our focus to JavaScript and front-end development. JavaScript is the programming language of the web and plays a crucial role in creating interactive and dynamic web applications. The amount of JavaScript you need to learn depends on your specific goals and career path.

JavaScript Fundamentals

Start by learning the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, functions, conditionals, loops, and basic syntax. Understanding how JavaScript interacts with the Document Object Model (DOM) is also essential. Learn how to select and manipulate elements using JavaScript, as this will enable you to create dynamic web pages and user interactions.

High-Order Array Methods

Knowing how to work with data is another important aspect of front-end development. Learn about higher-order array methods like forEach, map, and filter. These methods allow you to work with data more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, learn about asynchronous code and promises, as JavaScript is an event-driven language.


As a front-end developer, you’ll likely work with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to fetch data from servers. Learn how to make HTTP requests using fetch, and understand the basics of working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. JSON is a common data format used for exchanging data between the client and server.

Frameworks and Libraries

Once you have a solid foundation in JavaScript, you can expand your knowledge by learning a front-end framework like React, Vue, or Angular. These frameworks provide an organized structure for building complex web applications, manage state efficiently, and enhance code reusability. Choose a framework based on your preferences and project requirements.

Front-End Ecosystem

As you progress in front-end development, you’ll become part of a broader ecosystem. This ecosystem includes various tools and libraries that enhance your development workflow. Some of these tools include front-end build tools like Webpack, static site generators like Gatsby, Next.js for server-side rendering, and UI component libraries like Material-UI or Chakra UI. Explore these tools and discover how they can improve your development process.

WordPress and CMS

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) built on PHP. While it’s technically part of the full-stack development category, learning WordPress can be beneficial for front-end developers and freelancers. WordPress allows you to quickly build dynamic websites without extensive coding knowledge. It’s great for clients who need the ability to update their own content. Learning PHP can help you customize themes and plugins, offering more flexibility to your WordPress projects.

Deployment and Hosting

Knowing how to deploy your web applications to a live server is an essential skill for web developers. While static websites can be hosted almost anywhere, more complex full-stack applications require advanced hosting solutions. Here are some hosting options to consider:

Static Hosting

For static websites or simple front-end applications, you can use static hosting services like Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages. These services allow you to host your website for free or at a low cost. They provide URL assignments and often include SSL certificates for secure browsing.

Shared Hosting

If you’re running a business and need additional features like business email or more advanced hosting options, shared hosting providers like Hostinger or Bluehost can be suitable choices. Shared hosting plans are affordable and offer features like server-side scripting languages (PHP, Python, etc.) and database support.

Cloud Hosting

For larger applications or APIs, cloud hosting platforms like AWS (Amazon Web Services) or DigitalOcean provide scalable and comprehensive solutions. These platforms offer more control and flexibility for managing server resources, deploying applications, and handling infrastructure. However, they require more technical knowledge to set up and maintain.


In conclusion, web development is a constantly evolving field with various paths and opportunities. Whether you choose to specialize in front-end development, back-end development, or pursue a freelance career, the key is to keep learning and stay up-to-date with current trends and technologies. Make sure to build a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before delving into frameworks and libraries. And remember, your goals can change over time, so don’t be afraid to explore different paths and adapt to new opportunities as they arise.

Thank you for joining me in this practical web development guide for 2024. I hope you found this blog helpful and insightful. Feel free to check out the resources and links mentioned in the description for further learning. Good luck on your web development journey!